Bussiness Communication Skills

Chapter 01: Attitude
Q1.feelings sentiments moods and emotions about some person Idea event or object are
affective component
Q2.profits operational efficiency strategic efforts, integrated approach, tech-savvy we are examples
benefits to organization
Q3.beliefs, opinion, knowledge or information held by an individual are
cognitive components
Q4.work motivation Mein Main fest in enthusiasm to do work, punctuality, regular attendance, _____ , determination to meet deadlines,etc.
production of quality output
Q5.winning attitude is mental disposition of an individual which keeps ____' on life even when chips are down.
positive Outlook
Q6.Pessimist, irrational analyst, destructive critics, skeptics and losers are people with
negative attitude
Q7._____ is the process of studying a particular phenomenon, either on the job or off the job.
Q8.A form of learning whereby a behavior followed by a positive response is more likely to be repeated
Instrumental conditioning
Q9.management thinkers focus on three types of attitude they are job satisfaction job involvement and
organizational commitment
Q10.Classical conditioning that occurs outside the learners conscious awareness
Subliminal conditioning
Q11.Interrelated and widely shared sets of beliefs that typically relate to social or political contexts
Q12.The handshake that conveys confidence is
Q13.The more exposure we have to a stimulus, the more we tend to like it
Mere exposure effect
Q14.optimist rational analyst constructive protects believers and winners are people with
positive attitude
Q15.learning can be achieved by education observation and
Chapter 02: Goal Setting

Q1.Characteristics of goal setting : futuristic : : benefits of goal setting : ?
Q2.1st step of goal setting is?
Define life ambition
Q3.objectives should be here to provide good understanding among all the ______
people involved
Q4.Goals with periodicity of one year is
medium term
Q5.Supervision invoice periodically observation that shed aviation and provide feedback for
Q6.managing business requires balancing variety of short and long term _____ of enterprise
needs and goals
Q7.Performance cycle involve for aspects; commitment working evaluation and
Q8.Objective are attainable, concrete, measurable and?
Q9.individual personality development includes developing skills like knowledge and attitude of ____
managing self
Q10.Objectives are _____ as they relate to the future of an enterprise
Q11.Performance enhancing involves; appraisal coaching and training counseling and
Q12.Search monitoring is a basic approach of
Q13.Professional management is management by choice and not by
Chance and hunches
Q14.individual have to develop that personality by setting objectives and planning for their_____
Q15.An attempt to replace guess to work by judgment is always_____
Chapter 03: Time Management

Q1.globe jungle survival of the pictures has returned with
Q2._____ rule states that 80% of all that happens at work is really the ___ of 20% work
Q3.As you cannot go back in time space you cannot recover ?
Q4.Making introspection to know why you aren't enthusiastic about doing certain thing is?
setting goals
Q5.Of all resources, _____ is the most precious one as it brings opportunities and raises problems.
Q6.___ refers to assignment of activities with clear goals and authority necessary to make use of resources required to complete task.
Q7.Process related factors are?
Communication breakdowns 
Q8.file manager to manager and enterprise activities 5 resources important they are financial human physical information and
Q9.Meetings should be held with clear a well designed ___
Q10.____ work expands so as to fill the time available for time
prolonging work
Q11.failure to do things in time may cause anxiety, frustration, _____ and other ill feelings
Q12._____ refers to preparing a schedule of activities along with time
Q13.Developing assertiveness is important to avoid
Q14.Consolidation of similar tasks is a way of _____
organizing work
Q15.scheduling : Time journals : : controlling : ?
Chapter 04: Stress Management

Q1.Psychological reactions of stress may include feeling mentally drained, constantly frightened or?
Q2.Types of stress ?
High stress
Q3.Burnout is a situation in which persons are
emotionally exhausted
Q4.An optimal level of stress, that leads to positive emotional balance and?
good performance
Q5.Anything that makes you tense, angry, frustrated and miserable is called
Q6.Stress threshold refers to the level of ______ that one can tolerate before feeling of stress occur
Q7.Defense Mechanism include Physical Defense, Mental defense and
Spiritual defense
Q8.Stress appears when work load is heavy and time available to finish it is
Q9.Trauma is a situation in which there is ____ of self concept and belief in one's capabilities.
Q10.Working for long time on high stress projects may cause
Q11.Stress is high when the impact on mind and body of individual is?
Q12.Stress is not static as it is dependent on?
Dynamic conditions
Q13.Physical reactions of stress may include change in appetite, nausea and
Q14.Two exertive stress products are burn-out and
Q15.___ is a universal need as one should learn how to manage stress to enrich quality life.
Stress management
Chapter 05: Communication Skills

Q1.Culture is a composite of language, tradition, ______
values and habit
Q2.Communication is effective when the sender and receiver have ____
same frame of mind
Q3.differences in values and language may lead to different _______ communication gaps
different interpretations
Q4._____ is the means by which people relate to one another in an organization.
Q5._____ postal or courier delays, lost telegrams, and bounced back e-mails may create communication failures.
Written Communication
Q6.Communication gap is said to exist when the communication fails to _____ its basic goal.
Q7.the effective communicator at different level of management is the product of both business and communication _______
Knowledge and skills 
Q8.Each generation of people will have their own mind sets- perception, cognitive approach and
Q9.______ require skills of composing sentences, paragraphs, and messages for coherence.
Supervisory level 
Q10.Decision making becomes easy when____ is available and people affected give their acceptance for its implementation.
Q11.Communication credibility is based on three factors; trustworthiness, expertise and
Q12.Communication is process of exchange- sending message and __
receiving feedback
Effective communication tends to encourage better performance and
job satisfaction
High status people tends to exhibit their esteem, authority and
Commitment to organization
Q15.____ is a specialized language of groups that includes the acronyms and slang.
Chapter 06: Process of Communication

Q1.Down ward communication flows from_________ to_________.
Upper to lower
Q2.Receiver sends return message to sender, this is known as?
Q3.action model is also known as
Bull's eye theory
Q4.Based on media communication may be divided into three forms they are, oral, written and?
NON-Verbal Communication
Q5.Receiver _____ the message to understand the message
Q6.The following is (are) the most effective ways of communication
Q7.Communication is the task of imparting __
Q9.Environmental Barrier to communication include?
Q10.Oral communication and written communication are examples of?
Verbal Communication
Q11.Personal Communication, Organizational Communication are _____ of Forms of Communication
Interaction Contexts
Q12.In communication process, receiver and sender are classified as
Communication Parties 
Q13.Sender -> Message -> Receiver is?
one-way communication
Q14.Two-way communication process involves Sender, Message, Receiver and?
Q15.Public speaking , Public announcements are communication contexts of?
Bull's eye theory
Chapter 07: Body Language
Q1.Piercing eye contact, hands behind head, palm-down handshake and standing while others are seated are indications of
Power/ Dominance 
Q2.Disagreement, Anger, Skepticism are expressed through
Squinting eyes
Q3.Standing Tall has to do with ____
Upper Part of body
Q4.effects of right body language is ___-, makes intention more clear.
regulates behaviors
Q5.Walking at slow pace, Putting index finger on lips indicates
Q6.Walking with quick stride and arms swinging freely indicates
Q7.Where Verbal language fails, ____ helps
Body Language
Q8.The behavior of people are controlled with____
Upright Posture
Q9.Touching nose while speaking, covering mouth, avoiding eye contact indicates
Q10.The awareness of body language as an important tool of _____.
Q11.Verbal Language consist of _____ and sentences that are grammatically arranged to express meaning
Upper Part of body
Q12.Confidence. Cooperation, honesty are expressed through
Upright Posture
Q13.Postures are helpful in finding out degree of attention or _____
Q14.Legs and body play an important role in
Q15.Leaning back, Avoiding eye contact, playing with objects on desk indicate
Boredom/ Lack of interest
Chapter 08: Emotional Intelligence

Q1.The ability to sense and deal with emotions is called ____
Emotional Intelligence
Q2.Human Behaviors' are guided by emotional feelings and _______
Rational thoughts
Q3.Formal feelings are conditioned by organizational
Norms and rules 
Q4.____ is the effort made by an employee to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions
Emotional Labor 
Q5.Emotional performance and its requirements are influenced by factors like Job Description, Gender Difference and
Cultural Difference
Q6.The high EI person is drawn to jobs involving _____
Social Interactions
Q7.Emotional Intelligence use emotions to facilitate thinking, understanding emotional meanings and
Manage Emotions
Q8.In case of organization, emotional considerations involve recognition of 2 distinct aspects, Emotional Labor
Emotional Dissonance
Q9.Conflict is _____ one cannot expect a conflict free situation
Q10.The Negative feelings take shape of Anger, ____ and resentment.
Q11.What is acceptable to one culture may not be acceptable to other this indicates
Cultural Difference
Q12.____ is the negative difference between felt feelings and displayed and projected feelings.
Emotional Dissonance
Q13.6 universal events are Happiness, Surprise, Fear, Sadness, Anger and
Q14.Conflict management involves prevention, minimization and
resolution of conflict
Q15.Conflict is ______ when it takes attention away from other important activities
Chapter 09:Interpersonal Communication

Q1.formal groups and informal groups are
types of group
Q2.Process consultant are helpers, drawing upon several key facilitating behaviors like mirroring and
Q3.Modern organizations are characterized by work-force diversity, teamwork and
cross-cultural adaptions
Q4.Interpersonal relationships are the basic unit of examination in promoting a climate of performance in
modern organizations
Q5.The two important techniques useful for team building are, process consultation and?
Q6. 5 stages model of group development are forming, storming, norming, performing
Culture is shaped by attitudes learned in childhood and later _____
internalized in adulthood
Q8.____ is understood by considering variables like context, formality, greetings
Q9.Groups become a team when they develop
Q10.___ is a set of activities that help others focus on what is currently happening around them
process consultation
Q11.Societies are dependent on people and their constructive, functional and
creative abilities 
Q12.Significance of group include emotional stability and
Q13.____ is determined by the organization chart
command groups
Q14. 5 characteristics which differentiate groups from a collection of people are, interaction, shared goals, norms,
role definition
Q15.____ are alliances based on individual interest and common causes.
informal groups 
Chapter 10:Listening Skills

Q1.in Inactive listening, listener is active and receiver is _____
Q2.Hearing is a ______ as it does not require much attention.
passive activity
Listening is _____ as it requires attention
active process
Q4._____ refers to the ability of understanding others.
Q5.Memory is classified into two types, Short term memory and ____
Long-term memory
Q6.Top-down processing, refers to the use of background knowledge in understanding the meaning of _____
assigning meaning
Q7.Feedback completes the communication ___
Q8.____ occurs when the receiver has real concern, affection and love towards speakers.
Sympatric Listening
Q9.Listening is an attentive process of receiver in context of
Oral Communication
Q10.Listening of this type involves showing our concern, asking _____ and encouraging self disclosure.
sensitively questions
Q11.Analytical skill is the ability of _____good and bad.
Q12.Listening is a process of _____, attending, understanding, evaluating and remembering or responding with a suitable action
Q13.Hearing is a sensory and _____ response.
Q14.Active Listening is also called as
Deliberate Listening
Q15.Types of Listening are, Active Listening, Inactive Listening, Sympathetic Listening,___

Empathic listening
