If I have all the time in the world, I able to ever get anything done. Because I can always, always do it later. If I had all the money in the world, whatever I bought would mean nothing to me. Because I can always bye more.
The reason we are able to value our time because it is limited. the reason money has value is because there is not unlimited supply of it. limits can feel oppressive.
those same limits are what make things precious and valuable.
Limit provide a structure within which you can work to flourish. It is by making my way through a world with limits for the opportunities they are. Seize those opportunities with joy, with enthusiasm and make them into real life value. Sometimes it seems that all the news is bad. Sometimes it seems that the world around you is tumbling hopelessly downhill and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.
Yet that is never the case. for the more difficult life becomes, the more motivated everyone become difficult life becomes, the more motivated everyone becomes to make real, subscription, positive changes, nothing is ever as bad as it seems. because when situations become difficult, people become determined. When the darkness becomes unbearable, someone will step forward and shine a light and that light will in spite others, and others and others
Hope is always there. the more it is needed, the more powerful and effective it grows.
