Modern Business Organization & Management

Chapter 2: Organization

Q1. One head, one plan, well defined objectives
Principle of Unity Of Direction
Q2.Informal organization is also known as known as 
Q3.Organisation should select the right man for the right job to avoid wastage of material and time.
Principle of specialization
Q4.Organisation is merely a structure of relationships between various positions of organisation
Q5.One employee should have orders and instructions from a single superior
Principle of unity of Command
Q6.Objectives of different departments should be supporting each other.
Principle of Flexibility
Q7.To locate deviation or failure effectively , roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined.
Principle of Continuity
Q8.Span of control means
Number of workers the executive can handle effectively
Q9.Is the Basic function of management
Q10.Organisation is a continuous process of change
Principle of continuity
Q11.Scalar chain is sometimes known as
Chain command and line of Authority
Q12.Organization is a Process
Q13.Formal structures are represented diagrammatically in the form of
All. Organization chart organigram, organager
Q14.Every managerial position should be provided with adequate authority
Principle of Delegation
Q15.Sound organisation should define the role of each individual clearly
Principle of Definition
