Chapter 01: Human Resource Management: Function and Role
 Q1.How do managers and owners ensure that they only make and grow the organization and not adversely harm it?
get good people to work for the organization
develop and engage these people
motivate them continuously to contribute exponentially and positively to the organization.
All of the above
Q2.The focus of organizations today has shifted from redundant work to ……………..
learning new things.
Q3.Whose needs are identified and fulfilled through the functions of Objectives of Human Resource Management?
All stakeholders
Q4.Which of the following roles of HR Manager includes grievance handling, settlement of disputes, handling disciplinary actions and issues, collective bargaining and consultations?
Fire-Fighting Role
Q5.……….. can make or break the entire system thus becoming a crucial element in the success of any business.
Q6.HRM is responsible for creating an alignment between ………………. brings about high productivity, employee engagement and employee retention.
individual goals
organizational goals
A and B
Q7.With which of the following functions, management ensure that the work done by the employees is as per the expected standards?
Performance appraisal
Q8.Which one of the following is the 'Managerial' function of Human Resource Management?
Directing, Controlling
Q9.Which one of the following is not the principle of Human Resource Management?
HRM cant be a one time process.
Q10.Human Resource Management has to have the inflexibility to mould its functions with the changing nature of employee’s nature, behaviors and backgrounds.
Q11.HRM gives advice to ……………………. on matters such as manpower planning, job analysis, training, team handling etc.
departmental heads of various departments
Q12.Which one of the following is the 'Operative' function of Human Resource Management?
Employee retention, Labour relations
Q13.What is called as the art and science of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the movement of resources in an organization to get the desired results?
Q14.Human Resource Management finds its roots in the industrial revolution of the 1850s in …………………... It gradually entered India around early 1900s.
Western Europe
United States of America
A and B
Q15.Human Resource Management is essentially concerned with people dimension of management. Its main function and feature is that it manages the ……………..of people employed in the organization.
A and B
Chapter 02: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection and Placement

Q1.Getting candidates to apply for the job refers to ………...; and to find the right employee out of a pool of candidates and ensure correct placement refers to ……..
recruitment, selection
Q2.Which type of 'External method of recruitment' is a determined act of getting skilled employees working for the competitor with the objective of scooping the competitors talent and killing their competencies in order to get ahead in business?
Q3.Why international BPO or KPO would like to have its business processes in India or Philippines?
easy availability of all types of labour/work force at low rates,
knowledge of languages and
commendable technical knowledge.
All of the above

Q4.Which of the following document mentions in detail the scope, tasks, duties, responsibilities and working conditions related to the job?
Job Description
Q5.…………... actually means “putting the candidate on the correct job”.
Q6.Which type of 'External method of recruitment' save time; give access to candidates already known to someone in the company and also involves all employees to add members to the organization promoting engagement?
Employee Referrals 
Q7.Job description and Job specification are the two components of …………...
job analysis
Q8.……………..have now become a common mention on the resume for the HR to check the person out.
LinkedIn profile links,
Instagram Ids
Facebook Ids
All of the above
Q9.The foundation of the human resource plan has to be based on a clear understanding of ……………….. of the organization.
strategic goals
strategic plans
Both A and B
Q10.……………. are tests conducted to understand how the candidate interprets situations and problems around him.
Projective test
Q11.Which methods of recruitment are essentially applied by HRM to keep existing employees motivated, satisfied and engaged while ruling out feelings of insecurity when new talent comes in?
Internal methods of recruitment
Q12.………….. is a relatively new and different concept in which companies work on staff sharing methods where their human resources work for specific hours for a variety of clients simultaneously.
Virtual staffing
Q13.Succession planning coupled with future recruitment of manpower; simultaneously to understand which requirements can be filled …………. and which need to be filled from ……………....
internally, outside sources
Q14.Which of the following is a set of few 'External methods of recruitment '?
Job Portals, Social Media Recruitment
Q15.As defined by ……….., human resource planning is the “process for ensuring that the human resource requirements of an organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements:
Bulla and Scott
Chapter 03: Training and Induction

Q1.Which of the following training helps new employees in setting clear expectations before starting work and prepares the employee with what to expect?
Induction training
Q2.Traininag methods like Job Rotation, Coaching, Job Instruction, Group Assignments, Internships are cosidered as ……………….
On-the-job training 
Q3.………….. are often times wary of training and conduct very less amount of training because they feel that it eats into the time of employees and that there are no results.
Q4.E – Learning programmes are company based training programmes which enables trainees to take these on their own pace and time.
Q5.Training need analysis' starts the process of "……….." while it ends with 'Evaluation of the effectiveness of training'.
Q6.Specific skills and knowledge need to be imparted to employees so as to enable them to adapt to changes occurring in the organization; and training helps to increase their efficiency and gives coping mechanisms for ……………....
change management
Q7.Training results in creating and maintaining good employee relations and create a feeling of ……………....
job satisfaction
Q8.Which of the following benefit of training occurs to the organisation?
Helps in improving the morale and motivation of the employees
Q9.Training methods like Case Study, Incident Method, Role play, Business Games, Lectures are considered as …………….
Off-the-job training
Q10.In which phase of the Induction Programme, new employees are introduced to Key People/ Departmental heads and all functions of the organization?
Third Phase
Q11.Organizations are moving from IQ to ……... in a bid to understand the reactions and responses of people.
Q12.…………….; defines training as “the process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs.”
Gary Dessler 
Q13.Based on the principle that people learn more from experience with feedback than from training materials and presentations; Rapid Instructional Design emphasizes ……………
experience based trainings.
activity based training.
Both A and B
Q14.What is/are the Objective/s of Induction Programme?
Introduce new joinees to the organization – the policies, people, processes etc.
Make new joinees aware of expectations from them and help them set their own expectations for their tenure in the organization.
Share organizational culture and values.
All of the above
Q15. Kirkpatrick model uses 4 levels to evaluate training programs which are – Reaction, Learning, Behaviour and ………….
Chapter 04: Performance Management

Q1.Dale S. Beach, "…………… systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his or her performance on the job and his or her potential for development".
Performance Appraisal 
Q2.Which one of the following is an odd Objectives of Performance Management System?
To help in improving the overall effectiveness of the employer.
Q3.A measurable variable assigned to each task which help in measuring the completeness and acceptability of results of the tasks. These results which indicate the completeness of a task are called as Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
Q4.A ………….. Method of performance appraisal is normally used only by the Government to appraise their employees and this method includes filling up a confidential report at the end of every year.
Confidential Report
Q5.…………... is thus a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of individual members and the team; and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization.
Performance Management
Q6.Which one of the following are the Modern Methods of Performance appraisal?
Management by Objectives (MBO), 360 – degree appraisal
Q7.Which of the following modern method of performance appraisal uses the rating scales which describe various degrees of behavior related to a dimension of performance.
Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
Q8.Which of the following modern method of performance appraisal, propounded by Peter Drucker in 1954, is governed by evaluating the fulfillment of goals and objectives set jointly by the team leader and member?
Management by Objectives
Q9.…………. are crucial part of the employee’s performance and the employee would want to achieve them only if they achieve something out of it themselves.
Q10.Performance Management System helps in forming a link between the…………….
tasks assigned to the individuals
targets and tasks assigned to the department
A and B
Q11.A performance management system is required to conduct appraisals in a manner which will be beneficial for the ………….
employee and organization.
Q12.Performance Appraisal might not have linkages with organizational goals and objectives.
Q13.In which of the following traditional methods of Performance appraisal the appraiser checks the variable given on the rating scale – which usually is a 5 point scale stating the parameters of performance for that particular trait/task?
Graphic Rating Scale Method 
Q14.Performance Management is a …………….. approach to evaluation
Q15.The …………... purpose of PMS is to link individual goals to organizational goals.
Chapter 05: Compensation Management

Q1.The total amount of money received by a person as a remuneration is called as ………... which include heads like Dearness Allowance, pay (monthly rate), house rent allowance, other allowances, benefits etc.
Q2.According to the Indian Labour Organization (ILO) ……... are defined as, “the remuneration paid by the employer for the services of hourly, daily, weekly and fortnightly employees”.
Q3.Which of the following method is followed to establish the value or worth of a job, without taking into account the individual abilities or performance of the workers concerned?
Job Description 
Q4.According to the National Commission on Labour, “……………... are extra financial motivation."
Wage Incentives
Q5.The Provident Fund is deducted at …….. of (Basic + DA) from the employee’s salary.
Q6.The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 stipulates that for any worker earning less than Rs. 21000 per month is eligible to bonus of minimum………..or maximum 20% of his salary.
Q7.Which allowance is paid as the difference between the offered CTC amount and the total earnings after deductions?
Special Allowance
Q8.A remuneration paid by the management to the employees for their contribution to the organization is called as ………….
Q9.………….is an extra payment given to the employees as a share in the organization’s profits.
Q10.………….. is an explanation of the tasks involved, duties and responsibilities of the job while…………….. are the knowledge, skills, abilities and aptitude required to perform the job.
Job Description, Job Specifications
Q11.…………... is the wage which is arrived at after discounting the nominal wage by the living cost. It is the purchasing power of the wage.
Real wage
Q12.In which of the following methods of job evaluation; jobs are divided into classes and grades?
Job Classification and Grading Methods
Q13.Based on the Indian Labour Conference of 957, following things should be considered while fixing of wages: Other miscellaneous expenses like fuel, electricity, transportation etc. have to be considered as …….. of the minimum wage.
Q14.………... is a percentage of basic pay and is given as an allowance for inflation.
Dearness Allowance (DA)
Q15.Salary is the remuneration paid to the …………….employees – mainly clerical and managerial staff of a company. The salary is paid on a monthly basis to the employees.
white collared
Chapter 06: Fundamental of Organization Behavior

Q1.…………..went on to be known as the “Father of Personnel Management” because he introduced concepts like hygiene, cleanliness and improvement in work conditions at his factory.
Robert Owen
Q2.Which one of the following is relatively not a significance of Organizational Behavior?
It is helpful in recruiting and selecting employees
Q3.The studies of ………….., conducted at the Western Electric Company’s Hawthorne Works in Chicago and made him known as the “Father of Human Relations Movement”.
Elton Mayo
Q4.People who are good drivers have very good spatial skills and ……………..
hand-eye coordination.
Q5.McGregor's ………….states that an average employee dislikes work and finds ways to avoid work responsibilities.
Theory X 
Organizational behavior in short is a study of …………. people behave in a certain manner in an organization.
All of the above
Q7.…………. says "Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people act within organization."
Keith Davis
Q8.The ………….. of information in the brain is the main reason why humans are different.
Q9.The theory further found that the amount of work done by individuals is governed by social norms and that people react in ………... rather than individually.
Q10.The concept of ………………..was introduced by William Whyte who believed that it is very important for a person to be loyal to the organization.
Organizational Man
Q11.Man has become a social animal now and is governed or controlled by a lot of ……………...
societal norms
Q12.The filters like ……………….act as a deciding factor on what exactly is to be processed by the brain.
Languages, decisions,
experiences, values
beliefs, attitudes
All of the above
Q13.Brain thinks………………...for the man and controls all actions whether internal or external performed by human beings.
All of the above
Q14.………...studies on group behavior became the stepping stone for introduction of the concept of group responsibilities in organizations.
Mary Parker Follett's 
Q15.Which of the following statements regarding the differences in behaviour is INCORRECT?
Socio centric people love to work alone.
Chapter 07: Individual Process and Behavior

Q1.………….. means the act of knowing and is often followed by behavior because cognition provides input to the person’s thinking and perception.
Q2.Douglas McGregor the …………….. states that an average person learns to accept work and likes to complete it; and is motivated by the rewards associated with it.
Theory Y 
Q3.The attitude dualities are defined by Jung as follows:……………….
Consciousness and Unconsciousness
Extraversion and Introversion
Rational and Irrational
All of the above
Q4.The geographical region that we live in, culture, atmosphere, economic conditions, group dynamics of ethnic groups around us are the ……………..factors that determine the personality.
Q5.Personality Characteristics like Imaginative, disorderly, idealistic, emotional, impracticalis suitable for the jobs like……………
Painter, musician, writer, interior decorator
Q6.General characteristics which make up the foundation of personality are called as the ………... These are traits which would be common in many people like intelligence, honesty, shyness etc.
Central traits
Q7.…………… a feeling of discomfort or tension when two conflicting thoughts arise in the mind at the same time.
Cognitive Dissonance
Q8.Meetings, performance pressures, group activities, individual tasks, etc. are the ……………..factors that determine the personality.
Q9.……………. is how a person behaves or intends to behave towards a person or thing.
Behavioral component
Q10.…………... are those which are evident in some situations or under certain circumstances like nervousness while speaking in public, impatience while waiting for someone; etc.
Secondary traits
Q11.………… what a person will understand of a situation and not the actual situation. This plays a major role when people are working in teams.
Q12.According to Allport’s theory,………….. are those which dominate the human’s nature and that the individual becomes known by these traits all their life. For eg. words like narcissist, god like, kind, compassionate etc.
Cardinal traits
Q13.What is/are the primary determinant/s of Personality?
All of the above
Q14.According to Robbins, “………….. is defined as the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.”
Q15.Attitude can be defined as a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain …………….
person or a situation.
All of the above 
Chapter 08: Fundamental of interpersonal Behavior & Group

Q1.Which of the following is not the Feature of a Group?
Group members perceive the team as a diversified unit.
Q2.…………….. are specific groups which are directed by a leader to achieve specific tasks.
Command groups
Q3.People who feel ………….. due to their roles in the formal group find their sense of belonging in informal groups.
Q4.Individualistic members would hamper the performance of the group as a whole.
Q5.Which of the following is not an advantage of Informal Groups?
Decreased efficiency
Q6.Which type of groups are formed to complete allotted tasks and the only difference in a command group and a task group is that it is a democratic group?
Task groups
Q7.If the strength of the…………... is high enough they will challenge the authority of the business owners itself and try to bring unwanted changes.
Informal groups
Q8.Which of the following is not the Characteristics of Effective Group?
Group members should have good listening skills and should be participative in all tasks of the group.
A group should have a good mix of introverts and extroverts.
Groups should have members who have an understanding of emotional intelligence
None of the above
Q9.Groups are two or more individuals who………………………., coming together to achieve a particular set of objectives.
interact and are interdependent
Q10.…………….. are non-structured groups which are not formed by the organization.
Informal groups
Q11.Members of a group have to play …………….. and have to juggle responsibilities based on the roles assigned.
various roles simultaneously 
Q12.Groups are two or more individuals who………………………., coming together to achieve a particular set of objectives.
interact and are interdependent
Q13.Individualistic members would hamper the performance of the group as a whole.
Q14.Members of a group have to play …………….. and have to juggle responsibilities based on the roles assigned.
various roles simultaneously
Q15.Which of the following is not an advantage of Informal Groups?
Decreased efficiency
Chapter 09: Team Building

Q1.……….. are preferred in organizations because they require very less monitoring from Management side; and are responsible for their tasks.
Which of the following cannot be taken as an 'Essential Condition in Team Building'?
Individual Responsibility
Why the leader and the members of the team should work to feel each other comfortable in the team?
Team members give dedication to the team when they belong to it.
Humans need acceptance to keep their inner drive going which happens when they contribute to the team.
Humans need appreciation to keep their inner drive going which happens when they contribute to the team.
All of the above 
Q4.……... are two or more people with complementary skills who come together and work as a single unit to achieve a common purpose.
In which of the following stage of team's life cycle, the leader can concentrate on his tasks and has only a guiding role where he just needs to review the tasks being performed by team members?
Q6.What are the stages of team-life-cycle in it's oorder?
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning
…………….. is an important aspect of team management and is required to ensure that the teams are formed in line with the goals of organization.
Team Building
In which of the following stageof team's life cycle, members start to push against the boundaries which are set in the forming stage and is the starting point of the conflicts in the team?
Working in teams requires ………... of coordination and communication for making the performance successful.
high level
Chapter 10: Leadership

Q1.In which type of leadership style,the authority and decision making powers are concentrated with the leader and there is no participation in decision making by the members of the team?
A or B
Q2.Which type of leaders have very good oratory skills and an ideological vision which they have an ability to translate into goals for the team?
Q3.One of the primary objectives of the ……….. are to develop a congenial environment which is performance oriented in the organization.
Q4.The concept of leadership has evolved over time and from the normally accepted attitude that “Leaders are born” has shifted to ………………...
“Leaders are created” 
Q5.Stogdill (1950) defined leadership as, “the process (act) of influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts toward …………………...”
goal setting
goal achievement
A and B
Q6.Which of the following refers to the characteric feature of a Leader?
Builds trust and confidence in people
Q7.Leaders influence the ………………
perception, motivation,
communication, personality
the overall behavior of people.
All of the above
Q8.Which of the following leadership style helps the team members develop a confidence and prepares them to take up greater responsibilities in course of their work?
A or B
Q9.…………... is sometimes described as “no leadership” because a direct leadership is not visible.
Laissez Faire
Q10.Which of the following refers to the characteric feature of a Manager?
Provides directions and instructions
Q11.Which type of leadership style often found in government offices and is defined by high degree of rules, regulations and minimum degree of flexibility?
Q12.The concept of leadership has evolved over time and from the normally accepted attitude that “Leaders are born” has shifted to ………………...
“Leaders are created”
Q13.Stogdill (1950) defined leadership as, “the process (act) of influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts toward …………………...”
goal setting
goal achievement
A and B
Q14.Which of the following refers to the characteric feature of a Manager?
Provides directions and instructions 
Q15.…………... is sometimes described as “no leadership” because direct leadership is not visible.
Laissez Faire
Chapter 11: Organization System

Q1.The ………….. have subsystems of procedures, methods etc. which depend on the nature of functions being performed in the organization.
Technical system
Q2.Peter and Waterman studied the culture and management practices of highly successful US organizations. They observed that …………. led to the success of management practices.
cultural values
Q3.What gives the organization the strength to accommodate changes in the environment keeping certain traditions and values intact?
Organizational Culture
Not only Customer Service but ……………………...became a focal point for the companies which were studied by Peters and Waterman
Both A and B 
Q5.Organizational Culture is defined by………….as, “a belief system shared by an organization’s members”.
Q6.An ………... is a person who works for an organization but runs his unit as if he was the owner.
Q7.…………. are small, innovative, open and more daring to take risks in business.
Q8.Innovation and a focus on providing solution oriented products across the world are the keys to ………………... in the markets today.
Both A and B
Q9.A ………….. includes the individuals and groups and the relational dynamics between them.
social sub system
Q10.Which of the following cannot be considered as a Function of Organizational Culture?
Facilitates individual commitment
Q11.More and more businesses are moving towards…………….their employees and making them a part of decision making process.
Q12.Which are the different modes through which employees learn the organizational culture?
stories, rituals,
material symbols
All of the above
Q13.An organization’s culture is the set of …………... which define the acceptable behavioral actions from the employees.
All of the above
Q14.An …………... is the design or blue print of the company which describes the roles, responsibilities and relationships within the organization.
organizational system
Q15.The ………….. have subsystems of procedures, methods etc. which depend on the nature of functions being performed in the organization.
Technical system
Chapter 12:  Managing Change

Q1.Mostly businesses are required to react or respond to changes which are unplanned; and be…………...about changes which are either planned or foreseen.
Q2.…………. are the back bone of any organization and their involvement will increase trust between employees and management.
Q3.Name the first and the last steps of the Kotter’s 8 – step Change Model?
Create Urgency, Incorporate Change
Q4.Which of the following model of change proposes the followig steps: Strategy, Sructure, Systems, Shared Values, Style, Staff and Skills?
McKinsey 7 S Model
Q5.Which of the following model of change proposes three steps; i.e. Unfreeze, Change and Refreeze?
Lewin’s Model of Change Management
Q6.Changes in oil prices, Recession, Inflation, Changing tax structures and Labour costs are the examples of ………… factors responsible for the change.
Q7.…………. change is a human tendency and thus there is a lot of management that goes into bringing change in a smooth manner.
Resistance to
Q8.Which of the following is an internal force of change?
Changes in Organizational Strategies
Q9.Which of the following is an external force of change?
Government Laws and Regulations
Q10.Identify an odd "reason for change"?
Participation in decision making
Q11.Which of the following approach to change eliminates uncertainty and helps employees plan their performances to achieve the career path planned for them?
Succession Planning and Career paths 
Q12.Any………... has to be implemented step by step or phase wise as new things take some time to get used to.
big change
Q13.Mostly businesses are required to react or respond to changes which are unplanned; and be…………...about changes which are either planned or foreseen.
Q14.Changes in oil prices, Recession, Inflation, Changing tax structures and Labour costs are the examples of ………… factors responsible for the change.
Q15.Name the first and the last steps of the Kotter’s 8 – step Change Model?
Create Urgency, Incorporate Change
