Modern Marketing Management

Chapter 01: Introduction to Marketing

Q1.According to Philip Kotler, "Marketing Management is the art & science of choosing target markets and building ____with them."
Profitable Relationships
Q2.Customer Satisfaction depends on the perceived performance relative to?
Buyer's Expectations
Q3.Almost all organisations, even those that are production oriented must do some marketing to survive.
Q4.In Case of ___ market, it is the customer who weilds full power.
Buyer's Market
Q5.using _____ variables, the organisation tackles the environment variables.
Marketing Mix
Q6.Knowledge and self-expression are ____ needs of human beings.
Individual Needs gain competitive advantage, the company must offer____ to target customers.
Greater Value
Q8.Market Segmentation, Target Marketing and Market Positioning is ____ process of Marketing
Q9.The concept of Consumer Satisfaction is a function of?
Consumer Satisfaction
Q10.a value proposition'is a set of benefits that marketing people promise to the ___ to satisfy their needs.
Q11.When human wants are backed by purchasing power and willingness to buy, they become?
Q12.___ is the difference between the value a customer gains from buying & using a product and the cost of the product.
Consumer Value
Q13.Esteem Needs : Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs : : ____ : Customer-profitability-pyramid
gold tier
Q14.Loyal consumers spread a ___ word-of-mouth and refer other customers
Q15.Marketing in modern times means transforming the Organisation around __
Chapter 02: Understanding the Marketing Environment

Q1.Cultural Factors include attitude, value, rituals, practices and ?
Q2.A public can facilitate or impede the ability of ________to accomplish its goals.
Organisation resaerch and Marketing Intelligence Syatems are the methods used by organisation for ______ and gathering vital information about Changes.
Environment Scanning
Q4.Agents, Brokers, Dealers, Wholesalers, Retailers, etcare the examples of
Q5.P' in PEST analysis represents?
Political Factor
Q6.The implementation of ______ policy in India opened up the Economy.
Q7.Which factors indicate the nature and direction of the Economy in which a marketer operates?
Economic Factors
8.The external Environment which is Dynamic and Changing Holds both_____ for the Company
opportunity and threats
Q9.Micro Environment : The Public : : Macro Environment : ?
Economic Environment
Q10.Manufacturers and Marketers are held responsible for ?
non eco-friendly products
Q11.Globalisation and the IT enabled era are examples of _____ affecting the marketing environment.
Driving Forces
Q12.Big players start buying smaller players through
mergers and acquisition
Q13.Technological breakthrough can dramitacally influence a marketer's products, service markets, suppliers, distributors, competitors,_____________ and competitive position.
manufacturing practices
Q14.Internet Banking and online shopping are good examples of how technology_____ the business
Q15.Marketers have to function according to the ____ prevailing in the country.
legal framework 
Chapter 03: Marketing Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning

Q1.companies made need to revised marketing mix best on the segments changing needs or ____ tu replace stagnating or shrinking market
identify new market
Q2.The stratergy of segmentation allows ____ to aviod head on competition in the market by differentiating their product offering.
Q3.As the Consumers are too numerous, widely scattered and have varied needs and buying practices, hence there is a need for?
market Segmentation
Q4.after identifying and clearly distinguishing the segment, a company must determine the profitability of _____
consumer marketing effort
Q5.Companies often begin by segmenting the market using a single base, then expand using other basis this is known as
hybrid segmentation case of an undifferentiate id marketing the company decides to ignore market ______, segment and target the whole market with one offer.
Q7.the process of creating new image about an existing product in consumers mind is?
Q8.The selectivity of mind is such that the _____ will always have a presence in the mind-set of the customers.
pioneer market allows a company to position its position its products to the market based on assessed needs and _____
Preference of customer
Q10.Key to developing the appropriate marketing mix is the ___ of the product
positioning strategy
Q11.The position of the brand is simply it's perception in the mind of?
target marketing
Q12.for successful sedimentation america tathastu consider many criteria salon west various 
strategic and external factors
Q13.what divides bios into different groups best on social class, lifestyle or personality characteristics
psychographic segmentation
Q14.It is ___to understand the position and strategies of competitors.
Q15.____involves marketing in a very small but profitable market segment.
niche marketing
Chapter 04: Buying Behaviour and economic status, social class, age, sex and religious affiliation of consumer are?
The environmental factors
Q2.The buyer's black box has how many components?
Q3.which model is based on man's ability to learn forget and discriminate
learning model
Q4.The term family life cycle refers to a series of ____ through which individual proceeds overtime.
life stages
Q5.deposit bring department should have very rich expertise with product substitute and?
their performance
Q6.operant Conditioning is a type of?
Q7.straight rebuy, modified rebuy and new task are types of?
buying situation
Q8.the decision making unit of buying organisation is called as?
buying centre
Q9.what is the predisposition to reject foreign made product called?
Q10.the influence of social science has prompted marketing experts to propound certain consumer behaviour behaviour models for explaining ____
buyers behaviour
Q11.______ marketers all have to hire well trained sales representative and often use sales terms to deal with well trained buyers
Q12.procedural justice, inter-actional justice and distributive justice for complaint handling are dimensions of?
Perceived justice
Q13.The term____ refers to the series of life
Full nest
Q14.nationality group, religious groups, racial group, community and geographical areas are?
Q15.the organisational bio include profit and non-profit organisation, government agencies, institutions, and all others who by products to run their organisation for?
for further production
Chapter 05: Marketing Research

Q1.planning implementation and evaluation are?
marketing management process
Q2.mystery shopping is a close cousin of?
market research
Q3.ethical issues in marketing research are privacy, deception, false representation and?
Q4.regularly schedule reports that are produced and sold by marketing research firms are?
syndicated service
Q5.ORG-MARG, ______ , AC Nielsen India and TN Sofres MODE are examples of Major marketing Research Agencies
IMBR research involves_____
applied research
Q7.problem formulation, selection of research methodology, developing research design, selection of data collection techniques, actual data collection, analysis and interpretation, and preparation of research report is the process of?
market research
Q8.the information used for marketing research must be ______ timely and reliable.
relevant potential, market share, brand or company image, market characteristics, sales analysis, sales forecasting and business trends research are examples of?
problem identifying research research process : problem formulation : : problems in marketing research : ?
variation in data research project are studies conducted to find out answers to specific problems in ?
Q12.the marketing mix questions are ____ by the use of market research
Q13.unless managers _______ the external environment they cannot intelligently plan for the future.
Q14.Before undertaking research, projects researchers should be well equipped with?
all methodological aspects
Q15.tracking sales performance of production and monitoring changing consumers tastes are important applications of?
Chapter 06: Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting

Q1.the sales budget are generally set _____ than the sales podcast
slightly lower
Q2.the process of sales forecasting involves two steps that is measuring 'market demand' and forecasting ____
company sales
Q3.the opinion of executive is the oldest type of?
sales forecasting 
Q4.the entire marketing mix revolves around _____ made by company for its product
sales forecast
Q5.the size of market depends upon?
number of buyers
Q6.The Delphi Method is a form of?
Expert opinion Method
Q7.sales Force Composite Method forecasts on the estimates given by?
Q8.___ is suitable for businesses selling products to a few quay customers.
Customer's expectations
Q9.To get total sales estimate we can use?
statistical sampling
Q10.sales forecast is an estimate of the_____ of company's brand or product during specific period in specific market, under specific condition, expressed in monetary or unit terms.
sales possibility
in market forecasting only the _____ level of industry marketing expenditure and efforts will actually occur.
Q12.the expected level of company sales based on a chosen marketing plan and assume marketing environment is ?
company sales forecast
Q13.the absolute limit of companies demand is?
market potential 
Q14._______ for the product is the total volume that would be brought by target group of customers
market demand
Q15.companies and marketers generally use a combination of forecasting methods to ensure they get reliable estimates because?
no single method is perfect
Chapter 07: Product Decisions

Q1.Marketing mix planning starts with formulating an offer that brings value to _____
Target Customers
Q2.A brand is a name, term sign, symbol or?
Q3.Industrial products are those purchased for further production,
Q4.____ refer to tangible and intangible goods like physical objects, services, events, etc.
Q5._____ can be further classified into convince products, shopping oroducts,etc
Consumer Products
Q6.Industrial products can be classified into 3 groups of materials supplies, services and _____
Capital items
Q7.The product mix dimentions provides basis for defining the company's ____
Product Strategy
Q8.Person marketing consist of _____ as a product to build favorable public opinion for them.
marketing personality
Q9.Place marketing involves advertising and attracting tourist and _____ to cities, states and countries
Q10._________ will also fecilitate the seller to segment markets and practice differentiated marketing.
Q11.A product line may be composed of different brands or ______
single family 
Q12.Quality ofproduct is an important _______
positioning tool
Q13._____ contains all the possible augmentations and transformation that it might undergo in future.
Potential Product 
Q14.Differentiation, Brand Positioning and competiton take place at ______
augmented level 
In social Marketing , ideas are marketed for improvement of?
Social well-being
Chapter 08: The Concept of Product Life Cycle (PLC)

Q1.The growth stage is marked by _______ in sales
Rapid Climb
Q2.PLC is used less as forecasting tool and more as?
Control tool
Q3.Modifications to the product are made at different stages of?
Product Life Cycle
Q4.Number of Brand Users * Usage rate per user =?
Q5.Growth Maturity, Stable Maturity, Decaying Maturity are stages of?
Growth Stage
Q6.Generally the basis of PLC analysis will be the ______
annual sales data
Q7.As the life cycle stages do not have predictable duration and inevitable sequence, it can at best be used as general guideline for?
Planning Future
Q8.Duration of each _____ depends on a number of variables like product characterisation, market acceptance and competitive actions.
PLC Stage
Q9.The PLC shows the_______ of typical product depicting five different stages.
sales history
Q10.Introduction Stage : Negative Profit : : Maturity Stage : ?
High Profit
Q11.Knowledge of the product's stage in its life cycle provides useful but only partial input for the design of product's ______
Marketing Strategy
Q12.Sales may plunge to zero in ?
Decline Stage
Q13.Product Development, Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline are stages of
Product Life Cycle
Q14.Generally, price is believed to be high at introductory period and?
Decline Stage
Q15._______ begins when the company finds and develops a new- product idea.
Product Development stage
Chapter 09: Pricing Decision & Strategies

Q1.Price elasticity= %change in quantity demanded ÷ ?
% change in price
Q2.Fixed cost ÷ Unit contribution=
Break Even Output
Q3.______ from the base level for pricing decisions.
Q4.Premium pricing involves _____ competitors price
Q5.Break even Analysis is useful for projecting____
Q6.Fixed cost remains ____ as a tool over a range of output.
Q7.______ pricing methods are used for new products.
Skimming and Penetration 
Q8.The RBI regulates the interest rates of banks and_____
Business Institutions
Q9.Of all the elements in the marketing mix, price is the only one which generates_______
Q10.The company's pricing strategy will vary according to the nature of competition or nature of its _______ to face competition.
marketing strategy
Q11.Pricing Objectives include, Profit machination, Return on investment, improve cash flow and____
Q12.Cost based pricing, Demand based pricing, Value pricing, Tender pricing are methods of?
Q13.When Customers are resistant to new product ideas and they generally do not compare the _____ for some products.
Q14.A _____ or market leader can set a price and let the competition set it's price level.
brand leader 
Q15.____ is the amount of money charged for a product or service.

