Business Ethics & Corporate Governance

 Practice unit 1

Q1.The Companies Act 2013 and Clause 49 of SEBI does not mandate ……………….as a disclosure

Credit sales Correct Answer

Q2.Happiness, love, pleasure, self-respect, and freedom are examples of…………………………..values

Terminal Values Correct Answer

Q3.The………………………has a broad implication as these are customs established by a group of individuals.

Morals Correct Answer

4.features of business ethics include

The scope of law of narrow where as scope of ethics is broad.

It is an important component of corporate social responsibility

Business ethics is not against making profit. it talks about making profits in a fair and just manner.

All the three correct answer

Q5.Values are …………………..legally enforceable

if required Correct Answer

Q6.A management approach which talks about scientific management, administrative management and bureaucratic management is termed as…………………

Classical Approach Correct Answer

Q7.Ethics which establishes certain moral standards for human behavior is called…………………..

Normative Ethics Correct Answer

Q8.The apex which regulates insurance sector in India is…………….

IRDAI Correct Answer

Q9.ETHICS is a branch of

philosophy Correct Answer

Q10.Which of the following is not an approach to Business Ethics

Cognitive approach Correct Answer

Q11.The study of the origin and meaning of ethical concepts is called………………..

Meta Ethics Correct Answer

Q12.Related party transaction disclosure is mandatory in……………

Clause 49 of SEBI Correct Answer

Q13.Association of Mutual funds of India is body for………………….

Mutual funds Correct Answer

Q14.………is not a theory of ethics

Theory of Morality Correct Answer

Q15.One of the important feature of value is……………………………….

It sometimes leads to conflicting opinions Correct Answer

Practice unit 2

Q1.The issue of Corporate Governance came to prominence in India with……………………………….report.

Kumara Mangala Birla Report Correct Answer

Q2.Narasimham committee was set up for reforms in…………………..sector

Banking Correct Answer

Q3.Tariff Advisory body (TAB) is a statutory body for…………...sector

Insurance Correct Answer

Q4.Companies raising money through an IPO should disclose the uses and application of funds by major category on a quarterly basis. This is a recommendation by……………………..committee

Narayana Murthy Committee report Correct Answer

Q5.Which of the following is not a Corporate governance feature?

It aims at maximizing the profits. Correct Answer

Q6.CRAR stands for…………………………………..

Capital to Risk Assets Ratio Correct Answer

Q7.Corporate Governance norms for large public limited companies is provided by……………….

Companies Act of 2013

Clause 49 of SEBI


Both A and B Correct Answer

Q8.More than rules and regulation…………………………is more important for good corporate governance systems

Self Regulation Correct Answer

Q9.Clause 49 recommended that the remunaration committee may comprise of at least……………. directors, all of whom should be non-executive directors

3 Correct Answer

Q10.Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) should be brought down in a phased manner to 25% over a period of about five years to give banks more funds to carry business. This is a recommendation of ……………………committee report

Narasimham committee report I Correct Answer

Q11.Cadbury Committee report of Corporate Governance was released in the year…………………….

1992 Correct Answer

Q12.Life insurance business is based on the twin principles of …………….. and…………………..

Trust and risk sharing Correct Answer

Q13.SEBI is headquartered in …………………

Mumbai Correct Answer

Q14.A desirable code of conduct was published by …………………………in India which was voluntarily approved

CII Correct Answer

Q15.The problem of loan defaults in banks is termed as………………

Non Performing Assets Correct Answer

Unit 3:

Q1.. ……………………is a representative body of management of banking in India operating in India 

IBA Correct Answer

Q2.To maintain the quality of code of conduct…………………..audit is important in organisations

Ethical Audit Correct Answer

Q3.CSR is a means of matching corporate operations with stakeholder values and demands, at a time when values and demands are constantly evolving. This approach is termed as…………………………

Value Approach Correct Answer

Q4.For SMEs one big problem in developing CSR methodology is………………

Lack of resources Correct Answer

Q5.CSR should become a part of company's……………………….structure

Corporate governace Correct Answer

Q6.Which one of the following is not an example for code of conduct principle?

Aim for maximising the Profits Correct Answer

Q7.Prevention of Food Adulteration Act was passed in the year……………………

1956 Correct Answer

Q8.Corporate Social responsibility includes……………………………..

Society Correct Answer

Q9.The idea of business having certain responsibilities beyond profit making gained importance in ……………….century

19th Correct Answers

Q10.For creditors primary expectation from business is……………………..

Creditworthiness Correct Answer

Q11.To earn sufficient profit and to bring financial soundness to the company is the responsibility of the business towards……………………..

Shareholders Correct Answer

Q12.To allow free and fair competition in the market is the responsibility of the business towards……………………..

Consumers Correct Answer

Q13.GRACE was aimed at bringing about a standard of ethical behavior among…………………………….

Banks Correct Answer

Q14.The findings of TSN and Times foundation research revealed that over …………………….. of all major Indian organisations surveyed were involved in CSR initiatives.

0.9 Correct Answer

Q15.With reference to envronmental issues, corporations are often criticised with reference to………………….

Global Warming Correct Answer

Unit 4

Q1.…… can be generally defined as an act or omission intended to gain dishonest or unlawful advantage for a party (the “fraudster”) or other parties.

Fraud Correct Answer

Q2.What defines the practice of applying mandatory enforcement policies for specific offenses?

Zero Tolerance Correct Answer

Q3.The ……. was a privately held international group of financial services companies controlled by Allen Stanford, until it was seized by United States (U.S.) authorities in early 2009

Stanford Financial Group Correct Answer

Q4.…… which protect a user from unauthorised access attacks while on a network.

Firewall Correct Answer

Q5.Which accounts must be kept in separate ledger under safe custody of manager?

Dormant/Inoperative Correct Answer

Q6.A …... is a widely publicised allegation or set of allegations that damages (or tries to damage) the reputation of an institution, individual or creed.

Scandal Correct Answer

Q7.On April 11,2002, the US Securities and Exchange Commission filed a complaint against which company?

Xerox Correct Answer

Q8.The …. spectrum scam was an Indian telecommunications scam and political scandal in which politicians and government officials under the Indian National Congress.(Congress) coalition government

2G Correct Answer

Q9.A team of internal auditor of WorldCom, started their investigation secretly and uncovered $.... billion of fraud

3.8 Correct Answer

Q10.What is the reason behind India's poor performance?

Corruption Correct Answer

Q11.What should be used in order to detect and prevent the corruptive practices on a larger scale?

E-Governance and Information Technology Correct Answer

Q12.What is the symbol of Copyright ?

© Correct Answer

Q13.Which of the following is not Connivance of Bank Employees with Outsiders?

Blank drafts are handed over to outsider to note the details thereon and with the help of this spurious outsider to be used for siphoning off bank’s money.

Multiple financing to the same party against same security.

NRI Accounts

None Correct Answer

Q14.….. Involves smaller sums and typically more junior officials

Petty Corruption Correct Answer

Q15.The law enforcement authorities have to evoke faith, not terror and have to change their mindset to be fully accountable to generate …..

Public confidence Correct Answer
